Sheep Grazing

American Lamb Board

Production Programs

Through the American Lamb mandatory checkoff, the industry seeks answers to important issues through research about product quality, production productivity and efficiency, environmental stewardship and sustainability. The American Lamb Board (ALB) integrates findings into projects, including educational programs for the industry, such as the American Lamb Summit. A particular focus is outreach to new sheep producers.

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Lamb in field

ALB Strategic Goals

  • Marketing

    Grow consumer demand for American Lamb

    Marketing Icon
  • Research, Education & Innovation

    Optimize/prioritize research and education efforts to improve product quality and consistency, increase productivity and grow the year-round supply of American Lamb.

    Research and Education Icon
  • Industry Services

    Expand awareness, understanding, engagement, and involvement of stakeholders in the American Lamb Checkoff.

    Industry Services Icon

Additional Resources

Check out these additional resources we compiled for your convenience.