American Lamb Board
Promotion Resources
Nobody promotes American Lamb like our industry does! The American Lamb Board offers many resources to help with local activities, many free of charge.
Use our online store to place an order for materials we keep in stock, such as apparel and other premium items, consumer and foodservice recipe brochures, handouts, lamb cuts posters, chef educational tools and other influencer materials.
This is where you’ll find downloadable tools, such as guidebooks and presentations for Hispanic and Muslim markets, and even a profit calculator in both Word and Excel! This is also where we put handouts and flyers that you can print as you need them.
Direct Marketers
Here are resources specifically for industry members who sell directly to consumers, restaurants and retailers. Be sure to check out the Store, Tools, and Cooperative Funding Program sections, too.
Cooperative Funding
The American Lamb Board has funds available for US lamb producers and suppliers to support efforts that align with ALB’s strategic initiatives. This page has Cooperative Funding FAQs, applications and sample forms to help you.