ALB Elects Leadership at Annual Meeting

The American Lamb Board (ALB) elected FY2022 leadership at its meeting Jan. 19, held ahead of the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) convention. The newly-elected chair is Peter Camino, WY. Vice chair is Jeff Ebert, KS; Sally Scholle, PA, will serve as secretary and treasurer is Don Hawk, OH.

The additional board members are Andrew Allman, CO; Travis Anderson, OR; Carlos Barba, IL; Mike Duff, ID; David Fisher, TX; Dave McEwen, MT; Jimmy Parker, AL; Stephen Schreier, MN; and Gary Visintainer, CO.

The Board represents all sectors of the American Lamb industry including producers, feeders, seedstock producers and processors. The 13-member Board, appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, serves without compensation. Members are nominated by qualified organizations, including ASI and National Lamb Feeders Association.

ALB conducts promotion and research programs with the goal of creating greater demand and profitability for the entire industry. ALB does not promote imported lamb. It does not promote wool.

ALB is not funded by dues and is forbidden by law to influence legislation. It exists to promote lamb to consumers and provide information to help producers raise lamb more efficiently and effectively.

The American Lamb Board (ALB) is an industry-funded national research, promotion and information checkoff program that works on behalf of all American producers, feeders, seedstock producers, direct marketers and processors to build awareness and demand for American Lamb. One of its long-term goals is to collaborate and communicate with industry partners and stakeholders to expand efforts to grow, promote, improve and support American Lamb.


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